Toejam Videos

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Key Chain Camera photos

Spent some time trying to figure out how those little key chain camera work. it took FOREVER to figure out how to get the files off and it wont work on Mac.

Spent some time trying to figure out how those little key chain camera work. it took FOREVER to figure out how to get the files off and it wont work on Mac.

New hampshire steps up

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One more reason not to have a kid

Texans unknowingly donate children's blood to research
Medical privacy advocates, ethicists say parents should be asked for consent before newborns' screening samples are kept.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Abandoned mine

What other sport IN THE WORLD (save war) can you list a hazard being Landmines? Huh?! None! Geocaching is a real mans sport.

by the way, Christians quasi-step father actually came across one of these in germany, though he wasnt geocaching.

cwnation: RPK finds a Landmine while out camping

Teaching our kids that Government searches are normal

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More photos of WTC comparison

First two are WTC, last two are the Windsor Building fire

You tell me which should have collapsed...and i'll tell you it didnt.

"Take another example - the Windsor building in Madrid, a 32 story skyscraper which was a raging inferno for no less than 24 hours before fire crews were able to put out the flames. Despite the building being constructed of columns a fraction as thick as those used in the WTC twin towers, as well as a total lack of fireproofing, the building’s top section only partially collapsed while the integrity of the whole structure remained firmly intact."

The skyscraper fire in Beijing offers another stark and bold reminder that when one eliminates the dodgy, agenda-driven, and incomprehensible delusions of NIST, one fact remains abundantly clear;
Office fires - even the flame shooting towering inferno variety - cannot cause modern buildings to implode in on themselves and collapse. Only deliberately placed explosives can achieve this end. The Windsor fire, the Beijing skyscraper fire and many more yet to come painfully underscore the awful truth that the only way WTC 7 and the twin towers could have collapsed in the manner that they did was by means of controlled demolition.

Photo comparison of WTC and China tower

Notice the people taking pictures with their camera phones running in fear of the tower collapse...wait...why arent they running away! NIST says small fires can collapse steel buildings, China must build better buildings right?

OR 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB!






44 story building burns all floors, but does NOT collapse

It seems to defy the new common sense thinking that NIST and WTC7 has taught us..No building can with stand a fire and not collapse...It must be a miracle!


A little divine assistance with the DTV switch

The first thing i ask myself is, Why are they pushing so hard to make sure people are watching their TV? It seems they dont try hard enough to catch economic criminals, but by god no one should be left behind with this DTV switch.

"Federal regulators shepherding the U.S. digital television transition visited Los Angeles on Monday and asked for divine assistance.",0,4225388.story?track=rss

I think i broke Vimeo....

Monday, February 9, 2009